Dictionnaires des données
Le dictionnaire des données contient les codes suivants :
- Codes réponses du centre d’autorisation
- Codes retours
- Codes erreur
Codes réponses du centre d’autorisation
Réseaux CB, Visa, Mastercard, American Express et Diners
00 | Transaction approuvée ou traitée avec succès |
01 | Contacter l’émetteur de carte |
02 | Contacter l’émetteur de carte |
03 | Commerçant invalide |
04 | Conserver la carte |
05 | Ne pas honorer |
07 | Conserver la carte, conditions spéciales |
08 | Approuver après identification du porteur |
12 | Transaction invalide |
13 | Montant invalide |
14 | Numéro de porteur invalide |
15 | Émetteur de carte inconnu |
17 | Annulation client |
19 | Répéter la transaction ultérieurement |
20 | Réponse erronée (erreur dans le domaine serveur) |
24 | Mise à jour de fichier non supportée |
25 | Impossible de localiser l’enregistrement dans le fichier |
26 | Enregistrement dupliqué, ancien enregistrement remplacé |
27 | Erreur en « edit » sur champ de mise à jour fichier |
28 | Accès interdit au fichier |
29 | Mise à jour de fichier impossible |
30 | Erreur de format |
31 | Identifiant de l’organisme acquéreur inconnu |
33 | Carte expirée |
34 | Suspicion de fraude |
38 | Nombre d’essais code confidentiel dépassé |
41 | Carte perdue |
43 | Carte volée |
51 | Provision insuffisante ou crédit dépassé |
54 | Date de validité de la carte dépassée |
55 | Code confidentiel erroné |
56 | Carte absente du fichier |
57 | Transaction non permise à ce porteur |
58 | Transaction interdite au terminal |
59 | Suspicion de fraude |
60 | L’accepteur de carte doit contacter l’acquéreur |
61 | Dépasse la limite du montant de retrait |
63 | Règles de sécurité non respectées |
68 | Réponse non parvenue ou reçue trop tard |
75 | Nombre d’essais code confidentiel dépassé |
76 | Porteur déjà en opposition, ancien enregistrement conservé |
89 | Échec de l’authentification |
90 | Arrêt momentané du système |
91 | Émetteur de cartes inaccessible |
94 | Demande dupliquée |
96 | Mauvais fonctionnement du système |
97 | Échéance de la temporisation de surveillance globale |
98 | Serveur inaccessible (positionné sur le serveur) |
99 | Incident domaine initiateur |
Tableau 5 : Codes réponses du centre d’auto CB
Réseau Cetelem/Aurore et Rive Gauche
00 | Transaction approuvée ou traitée avec succès. |
01 | Numéro de commerçant incorrect ou inconnu |
02 | Numéro de carte incorrect |
03 | Date de naissance ou code secret erronés |
04 | Carte non finançable |
05 | Problème centre serveur CETELEM |
06 | Carte inconnue |
07 | Demande de réserve refusée |
08 | Carte périmée |
09 | Incompatibilité carte/commerçant |
10 | Inconnu |
11 | Annulé |
12 | Code devise incorrect |
13 | Référence de l’opération non renseignée |
14 | Montant de l’opération incorrect |
15 | Modalité de paiement incorrect |
16 | Sens de l’opération incorrect |
17 | Mode de règlement incorrect |
Tableau 6 : Codes réponses du centre d’auto Cetelem
Réseau Finaref
000 | OK |
101 | Carte expirée. Porteur en validité dépassée |
103 | Commerçant inconnu. Identifiant de commerçant incorrect |
110 | Montant incorrect |
111 | Compte/porteur inconnu |
115 | Service non ouvert. Plafond nul. Code fonction/traitement inconnu |
116 | Provision insuffisante |
117 | 1er ou 2ème code faux |
119 | Compte/Porteur avec statut bloqué. Compte/Porteur avec statut invalide. Carte bloquée |
121 | Plafond insuffisant |
125 | Carte non active |
126 | Code secret absent. Erreur de format de la date de début de contrôle ou des infos de sécurité |
128 | Erreur de contrôle de l’historique des codes faux |
129 | CVV2 faux |
183 | Compte / porteur invalide |
184 | Incohérence de date de validité avec fichier Porteurs en saisie manuelle |
188 | Mode de saisie invalide. Identification matériel incohérente |
196 | Problème d’accès fichiers |
206 | 3ème code secret faux. Compteur de codes faux déjà à 3 |
207 | Porteur en opposition (alors que statut carte=3) |
208 | Carte non parvenue. Carte volée. Usage abusif. Suspicion de fraude, Carte perdue |
210 | Incohérence de date de validité avec fichier porteurs en lecture piste ou puce. CVV faux |
380 | OK avec dépassement |
381 | OK avec augmentation capital |
382 | OK NPAI |
385 | Autorisation partielle |
Tableau 7 : Codes réponses du centre d’auto Finaref
Réseau Buyster
12 | Paramètre invalide |
17 | Annulation du porteur |
24 | Opération impossible |
25 | Transaction inconnue |
3 | Destinataire du paiement inconnu |
30 | Paramètre obligatoire non rempli |
34 | Suspicion de fraude |
40 | Vous ne possédez pas les droits pour l’opération demandée |
5 | Transaction refusée |
63 | Paramètres d\’authentification marchande invalides |
75 | Nombre d’identifications porteur dépassé (3 tentatives) |
94 | Référence transaction déjà utilisée |
99 | Problème technique au niveau du serveur Buyster |
Codes retours HTTP
Le premier chiffre indique la classe de réponse. Il en existe 5 valeurs :
1xx | Information – Requête reçue, traitement en cours |
2xx | La demande a été reçue avec succès reçue, comprise et acceptée |
3xx | Redirection |
4xx | Erreur de Client – La demande contient une mauvaise syntaxe ou ne peut pas être accomplie |
5xx | Erreur de serveur – Le serveur a échoué à accomplir une demande apparemment valable |
Tableau 9 : Codes retour HTTP
Pour plus de détails et la liste complète des codes retour, se référer à la norme du protocole HTTP1.1, nommée RFC2616.
Codes erreur CURL
1 | Protocole non supporté |
2 | Échec durant la phase d’initialisation |
3 | URL mal formatée |
4 | URL mal formatée |
5 | Résolution du proxy impossible |
6 | Résolution du host impossible |
7 | Connexion impossible avec le host |
22 | (HTTP) Page non atteinte |
34 | (HTTP) Méthode post en erreur |
35 | Connexion SSL en erreur |
42 | Callback annulée |
43 | Erreur interne |
44 | Erreur interne |
45 | Erreur d’interface |
47 | Trop de redirections |
51 | Certificat SSL distant incorrect |
52 | Le serveur ne répond à rien |
53 | Moteur de cryptographie SSL non trouvé |
54 | Problème d’initialisation du moteur de cryptographie SSL |
55 | Envoi de données en erreur |
56 | Réception de données en erreur |
57 | Erreur interne |
58 | Problème avec le certificat local |
59 | Impossible d’utiliser le chiffrement SSL indiqué |
Tableau 10 : Codes erreur CURL
Codes d’erreurs
Codes erreur du programme Remote MPI
Le CGI vérifie l’ensemble des paramètres envoyés et affiche un numéro d’erreur le cas échéant (Voir tableau ci-dessous). Ce message d’erreur est sans rapport avec un retour en erreur du MPI.
Il n’y a pas de vérification sur la validité des URLs (URLRetour et URLHttpDirect)
1 | Erreur accès au fichier de configuration (interne Paybox) |
2 | Erreur accès au paramètres de connexions à la base de données |
3 | Erreur de récupération des variables d’environnement locales |
4 | Erreur de récupération du chemin d’accès au MPI (MPI_PATH) |
5 | Erreur de connexion à la base de données |
6 | Erreur de préparation de la recherche du site (fsite) |
7 | Erreur de préparation de la recherche des transaction MPI (TransMPI) |
101 | Erreur absence montant (Amount) |
102 | Erreur absence date expiration (CCExpdate) |
103 | Erreur absence numéro de porteur (CCNumber) |
104 | Erreur absence devise (Currency) |
105 | Erreur absence identifiant marchand (IdMerchant) |
106 | Erreur absence identifiant session marchand (IdSession) |
107 | Erreur absence référence marchand (RefMarchant) |
108 | Erreur absence identifiant transMPI |
110 | Erreur taille numéro de porteur |
111 | Erreur type numéro de porteur |
112 | Erreur type montant |
113 | Erreur taille référence marchand |
114 | Erreur taille date expiration |
115 | Erreur type date expiration |
116 | Erreur valeur date expiration |
117 | Erreur longueur CVV (optionnel) |
118 | Erreur longueur identifiant TransMPI retourné par MPI |
201 | Erreur de recherche du site |
202 | Erreur de recherche dans TransMPI |
301 | Erreur ajout enregistrement TransMPI |
401 | Erreur de taille de la référence marchand reçue du MPI |
402 | Erreur de taille du code erreur du MPI |
403 | Erreur de taille du XID reçu du MPI |
410 | Erreur absence de la référence marchand reçue du MPI |
411 | Erreur de type de la référence marchand |
412 | Erreur de type du code erreur |
Tableau 2 : Codes réponses du programme Remote MPI
Codes erreur du MPI
Ces codes sont les codes erreur qui peuvent se présenter dans la variable 3DERROR
0 | No Error |
100 | AuthReq received is invalid |
101 | Merchant is not known |
102 | Merchant is not active |
103 | invalid referrer |
104 | An error occured during processing |
105 | Currency is not supported |
106 | Transaction not found |
107 | Brand is not supported |
108 | The validation post to the merchant failed |
1300 | the HTTP return code is not found |
1301 | the HTTP return code is not valid |
1302 | the received message contains no XML |
1303 | not possible to import the xml in JDOM |
1304 | incorrect root element |
1305 | the element message is not defined |
1306 | the attibuut id is not defined for |
1307 | the attibuut id is not defined for Extension |
1308 | the attibuut id and critical are not defined for Extension |
1309 | the attibuut critical is not defined for Extension |
1310 | the element Extension is not correct |
1311 | the element version is not found |
1312 | the version of the ThreeDSecureMessage is too old |
1313 | the attribute critical is defined for Extension with value true |
1314 | Root element invalid |
1315 | Message element not found or invalid |
1330 | CRReq – the element Merchant is not found |
1331 | CRReq – the element acqBIN is not found |
1332 | CRReq – the element merID is not found |
1333 | CRReq – the element password is not found |
1334 | CRReq – the element CRReq is not found |
1335 | CRReq – the element version is not valid |
1336 | CRReq – the element Merchant.acqBIN is not valid |
1337 | CRReq – the element Merchant.merID is not valid |
1338 | CRReq – the element Merchant.password is not valid |
1339 | CRReq – the element serialNumber is not valid |
1350 | CRRes – the element begin is not found |
1351 | CRRes – the element end is not found |
1352 | CRRes – the element action is not found |
1353 | CRRes – the element CRRes is not found |
1354 | CRRes – the element serialnumber is not found |
1355 | CRRes – the element version is not valid |
1356 | CRRes – the element begin is not valid |
1357 | CRRes – the element end is not valid |
1358 | CRRes – the element action is not valid |
1359 | CRRes – the element serialNumber is not valid |
1360 | CRRes – the element vendorcode is too long |
1361 | CRRes – the element iReqCode is not found |
1362 | CRRes – the element IReqCode has bad format |
1401 | VEReq – the element pan is not found |
1402 | VEReq – the element Merchant is not found |
1403 | VEReq – the element acqBIN is not found |
1404 | VEReq – the element merID is not found |
1405 | VEReq – the element password is not found |
1406 | VEReq – the element VEReq is not found |
1407 | VEReq – the element version is not valid |
1408 | VEReq – the element pan is not valid |
1409 | VEReq – the element Merchant.acqBIN is not valid |
1410 | VEReq – the element Merchant.merID is not valid |
1411 | VEReq – the element Merchant.password is not valid |
1412 | VEReq – the element Merchant.password is not valid |
1501 | VERes – the element VERes is not found |
1502 | VERes – the element version is not valid |
1503 | VERes – the element enrolled is not valid |
1504 | VERes – the element accId is empty |
1505 | VERes – the element accId is to long |
1506 | VERes – the element url is empty |
1507 | VERes – the element url has a bad protocol |
1508 | VERes – the element url is malformed |
1509 | VERes – the element protocol is empty |
1510 | VERes – the element protocol is not valid |
1511 | VERes – the element vendorcode is too long |
1512 | VERes – the element CH is not found |
1513 | VERes – the element enrolled is not found |
1514 | VERes – the element acctid is not found |
1515 | VERes – the element url is not found |
1516 | VERes – the element protocol is not found |
1517 | VERes – the element IReq is not found |
1518 | VERes – the element iReqCode is not found |
1519 | VERes – the element IReqCode has bad format |
1520 | VERes – the element acctId is the same as the pan |
1601 | PAReq – the element version is not valid |
1602 | PAReq – the element PAReq is not found |
1603 | PAReq – the element Merchant is not found |
1604 | PAReq – the element acqBIN is not found |
1605 | PAReq – the element merID is not found |
1606 | PAReq – the element name is not found |
1607 | PAReq – the element country is not found |
1608 | PAReq – the element url is not found |
1609 | PAReq – the element Purchase is not found |
1610 | PAReq – the element xid is not found |
1611 | PAReq – the element date is not found |
1612 | PAReq – the element amount is not found |
1613 | PAReq – the element purchAmount is not found |
1614 | PAReq – the element currency is not found |
1615 | PAReq – the element exponent is not found |
1616 | PAReq – the element frequency is not found |
1617 | PAReq – the element endRecur is not found |
1618 | PAReq – the element CH is not found |
1619 | PAReq – the element CH.acctID is not found |
1620 | PAReq – the element CH.expiry is not found |
1621 | PAReq – the element Merchant.acqBIN is not valid |
1622 | PAReq – the element Merchant.merID is not valid |
1623 | PAReq – the element Merchant.name is not valid |
1624 | PAReq – the element Merchant.country is not valid |
1625 | PAReq – the element Merchant.url is not valid |
1626 | PAReq – the element url is empty |
1627 | PAReq – the element url has a bad protocol |
1628 | PAReq – the element url is malformed |
1629 | PAReq – the element xid has bad format |
1630 | PAReq – the element date has bad format |
1631 | PAReq – the element amount has bad format |
1632 | PAReq – the element purchAmount has bad format |
1633 | PAReq – the element currency has bad format |
1634 | PAReq – the element exponent has bad format |
1635 | PAReq – the element desc has bad format |
1636 | PAReq – the element frequency has bad format |
1637 | PAReq – the element endRecur has bad format |
1638 | PAReq – the element install has bad format |
1639 | PAReq – the element acctID has bad format |
1640 | PAReq – the element expiry has bad format |
1641 | PAReq – the element exponent is not numeric |
1642 | PAReq – the element gmtOffset is not found |
1643 | PAReq – the element brands is not found |
1644 | PAReq – the element desc is not found |
1645 | PAReq – the element pan is not found |
1646 | PAReq – the element gmtOffset is not valid |
1647 | PAReq – the element brands is not valid |
1648 | PAReq – the element recurring is not valid |
1649 | PAReq – the element installment is not valid |
1701 | PARes – the element PARes is not found |
1702 | PARes – the element version is not valid |
1703 | PARes – the element Merchant.acqBIN is not valid |
1704 | PARes – the element Merchant.merID is not valid |
1705 | PARes – the element xid has bad format |
1706 | PARes – the element date has bad format |
1707 | PARes – the element amount has bad format |
1708 | PARes – the element purchAmount has bad format |
1709 | PARes – the element currency has bad format |
1710 | PARes – the element exponent has bad format |
1711 | PARes – the element exponent is not numeric |
1712 | PARes – the element TX.time is not valid |
1713 | PARes – the element TX.status is not valid |
1714 | PARes – the element pan is not valid |
1715 | PARes – the element TX.cavv is not valid |
1716 | PARes – the element TX.eci is not valid |
1717 | PARes – the element TX.cavvAlgorithm is not valid |
1718 | PARes – the element IReq.iReqCode is not valid |
1719 | PARes – the element IReq.vendorCode is not valid |
1720 | PARes – the element desc is not valid |
1721 | PARes – the element CH.exp is not valid |
1722 | PARes – the element TX.detail is not valid |
1723 | PARes – the element TX.stain is not valid |
1724 | PARes – the element TX.vendorCode is not valid |
1725 | PARes – the element TX.eci is not valid |
1726 | PARes – the element Merchant is not found |
1727 | PARes – the element acqBIN is not found |
1728 | PARes – the element merID is not found |
1729 | PARes – the element Purchase is not found |
1730 | PARes – the element xid is not found |
1731 | PARes – the element date is not found |
1732 | PARes – the element purchAmount is not found |
1733 | PARes – the element currency is not found |
1734 | PARes – the element exponent is not found |
1735 | PARes – the element pan is not found |
1736 | PARes – the element tx is not found |
1737 | PARes – the element time is not found |
1738 | PARes – the element status is not found |
1739 | PARes – the element cavv is not found |
1740 | PARes – the element eci is not found |
1741 | PARes – the element cavvAlgorithm is not found |
1742 | PARes – the element iReqCode is not found |
1743 | PARes – the element Purchase.currency has not the same value as the one in the PAReq |
1744 | PARes – the element Purchase.exponent has not the same value as the one in the PAReq |
1745 | the Signature.xmlns namespace is not found |
1746 | the Signature.xmlns namespace has a bad format |
1747 | the Signature.SignedInfo has a bad format |
1748 | the Signature.CanonicalizationMethod has a bad format |
1749 | the Signature.CanonicalizationMethod has different namespace |
1750 | the Signature.SignatureMethod has a bad format |
1751 | Signature.SignatureMethod has different namespace |
1752 | Signature.SignedInfo.Reference.URI not found |
1753 | Signature.SignedInfo.Reference.URI has a bad format |
1754 | Signature.SignedInfo.Reference.DigestValue not found |
1755 | Signature.SignatureValue not found |
1756 | Signature.KeyInfo not found |
1801 | Error – the element Error is not found |
1802 | Error – the element version is not valid |
1803 | Error – the element errorCode is not valid |
1804 | Error – the element errorMessage is empty |
1805 | Error – the element errorDetail is empty |
1806 | Error – the element vendorCode is too long |
1807 | Error – the element errorCode is not found |
1808 | Error – the element errorMessage is not found |
1809 | Error – the element errorDetail is not found |
1901 | PATransReq – the element PATransReq is not found |
1902 | PATransReq – the element version is not valid |
1903 | PATransReq – the element Merchant.name is not valid |
1904 | PATransReq – the element Merchant.country is not valid |
1905 | PATransReq – the element Merchant.url is not valid |
1906 | PATransReq – the element amount is not found |
1907 | PATransReq – the element url is empty |
1908 | PATransReq – the element url has a bad protocol |
1909 | PATransReq – the element url is malformed |
1910 | PATransReq – the element amount has bad format |
1911 | PATransReq – the element desc has bad format |
1912 | PATransReq – the element frequency has bad format |
1913 | PATransReq – the element endRecur has bad format |
1914 | PATransReq – the element install has bad format |
1915 | PATransReq – the element date has bad format |
1916 | PATransReq – the element name has bad format |
1917 | PATransReq – the element fullpan has bad format |
1918 | PATransReq – the element expiry has bad format |
1919 | PATransReq – the element acs Id id has bad format |
1920 | PATransReq – the element login Id has bad format |
1921 | PATransReq – the element password has bad format |
1922 | PATransReq – the element signed pares has bad format |
1925 | PATrans – the element version is not valid |
1926 | PATrans – the element PATransReq is not found |
1927 | PATrans – the element Merchant.id is not found |
1928 | PATrans – the element Merchant.name is not valid |
1929 | PATrans – the element Merchant.country is not valid |
1930 | PATrans – the element Merchant.url is not valid |
1931 | PATrans – the element Purchase.id is not found |
1932 | PATrans – the element Purchase.xid is not found |
1933 | PATrans – the element Purchase.date is not valid |
1934 | PATrans – the element Purchase.amount is not valid |
1935 | PATrans – the element Purchase.rawamount is not valid |
1936 | PATrans – the element Purchase.currency is not valid |
1937 | PATrans – the element Purchase.desc is not valid |
1938 | PATrans – the element Purchase.recurring is not valid |
1939 | PATrans – the element Purchase.installment is not valid |
1940 | PATrans – the element CH.name is not valid |
1941 | PATrans – the element CH.pan is not valid |
1942 | PATrans – the element CH.exp is not valid |
1943 | PATrans – the element TX.time is not valid |
1944 | PATrans – the element TX.status is not valid |
1945 | PATrans – the element TX.detail is not valid |
1946 | PATrans – the element TX.stain is not valid |
1947 | PATrans – the element TX.eci is not valid |
1948 | PATrans – the element TX.vendorCode is not valid |
1949 | PATrans – the element SignedPARes is not valid |
1951 | PATransRes – the element PATransRes is not found |
1952 | PATransRes – the element version is not valid |
1953 | PATransRes – the element iReq.IReqCode is not found |
1954 | PATransRes – the element iReq.IReqCode is not found |
1955 | PATransRes – the element iReq.IReqCode is not valid |
1956 | PATransRes – the element iReq.IReqCode is not valid |
1971 | CAVV – the element xid is not found |
1972 | CAVV – the element pan is not valid |
1973 | CAVV – the element authResultCode is not valid |
1974 | CAVV – the element secondFactorAuthCode is not valid |
1975 | CAVV – the element cavvKeyIndicator is not valid |
1976 | CAVV – the element cardSequenceNumber is not valid |
1977 | CAVV – the element cvr is not valid |
1978 | CAVV – the element unpredictableNumber is not valid |
1979 | CAVV – the element atn is not found |
5100 | Expiry date is invalid |
5101 | Pan not found in local cache |
5102 | No brand details foudn for that Merchant |
5103 | Error occured during validate of VEReq” |
5104 | Error occured during build of VEReq |
5105 | ThreeDSecureMessage Exception occured during validate and build of VEReq |
5106 | No connection details where found for that specific brand, merchant and pan |
5107 | Exception occured during the post of the VEReq message to the VisaDirectory |
5108 | Invalid Handler/ Locator or Generator configured during processing of VEReq |
5109 | Error occured during validate of Error” |
5110 | Error occured during build of Error |
5111 | ThreeDSecureMessage Exception occured during validate and build of Error |
5112 | Exception occured during the post of the Error message to the VisaDirectory |
5113 | Received an Error message instead of a VERes |
5114 | Unkown error |
5115 | Pan is not enrolled for 3-D Secure |
5116 | ThreeDSecure is not supported by the Issuer! |
5117 | Recieved a badly formatted VERes, so we had to send an error to the VSD |
5118 | Version is too old |
5119 | Currency code not found |
5120 | Error occured during validate of PAReq” |
5121 | ThreeDSecureMessage Exception occured during validate and build of PAReq |
5122 | No termUrl is found for the MPI |
5123 | Exception occured during creation of the PaReq Form |
5124 | Unknown error occured during processing of VERes |
5125 | Exception occured during decode and inflate of pares |
5126 | Recieved a badly formatted PARes, so we had to send an error to the VSD |
5127 | An error occured during the validation of the xml signature |
5128 | An error occured during the logging process of the PAReq message |
5129 | An error occured during the logging process of the PARes message |
5130 | An Exception occured when getting the PAReq from the cache, or during the parse and validate of it |
5131 | An Exception occured during encryption/decryption of sensative data |
5132 | An error occured during parse and validate of the VERes message |
5133 | An error occured during parse and validate of the PARes message |
5134 | The XML-signature of the PARes message is not a valid one |
5135 | Error occured during validate of CRReq |
5136 | Error occured during build of CRReq |
5137 | ThreeDSecureMessage Exception occured during validate and build of CRReq |
5138 | Exception occured during the post of the CRReq message to the VisaDirectory |
5139 | unknown error occure during processing of CRRes |
5140 | Recieved a badly formatted CRRes, so we had to send an error to the VSD |
5141 | Error occured during build of Veres |
5142 | Error occured during decode and inflate of PAReq |
5143 | Unable to start authentication flow |
5144 | Authentication was not successfull |
10000 | Unspecified error occured |
5145 | Error Getting VEReq out of transaction cache |
5146 | Received status U |
5147 | Received an Error message instead of a PARes |